Macchiato showing its distinctive presentation and characteristics


Marked espresso

The Macchiato, whose name means 'marked' or 'stained' in Italian, represents the subtle art of barely modifying a perfect espresso. This traditional Italian preparation consists of a shot of espresso 'marked' with just a small amount of steamed milk, typically no more than a tablespoon. The drink was originally created as a way for baristas to indicate to servers which espresso shots had a touch of milk added, as the small white mark on top made them easily distinguishable from pure espresso.

The beauty of the Macchiato lies in its minimalist approach to combining coffee and milk. Unlike larger milk-based drinks, the Macchiato allows the espresso's complex flavors to remain front and center while using just enough milk to soften its edge. The small amount of steamed milk adds a subtle sweetness and creates a slight temperature buffer, making the drink more approachable than straight espresso while maintaining its intensity. This delicate balance has made the Macchiato a favorite among coffee purists who want to experience the full character of the espresso with just a hint of milk's softening influence.